Friday, December 27, 2013

Pre-Board Exam Drill: Fundamentals of Nursing B

This is a 30 point Pre-Board Exam Drill on Fundamentals of Nursing SET B.

Test your knowledge on nursing concepts, test your test-taking skills and develop your attitude in attacking board exam questions. Answer these questions on a piece of paper. Check your answers and don't forget to review the rationale behind the correct answer. Good luck with your exam!

1. The nurse is inserting an indwelling urinary catheter. Which action is essential to decrease the complications associated with catheter insertion?
a. cleanse the female client using betadine-soaked 4x4’s, cleaning from the rectal area to the clitoris
b. utilizing a catheter that is slightly larger than the external urinary meatus
c. utilize clean technique
d. test the retention balloon prior to insertion

2. The nurse is caring for an adult client who is scheduled for an intravenous pyelogram (IVP). Which nursing intervention is essential?
a. encourage large amounts of fluids prior to the test
b. assess for any indications of allergies
c. administer a laxative
d. restrict fluids only in clients with marginal renal reserve or uncontrolled diabetes

3. The nurse is caring for a client who has a nasogastric tube attached to low wall suction. The suction is not working. Which is the nurse least likely to note when assessing the client?
a. client vomits
b. client has a distended abdomen
c. there is no nasogastric output in the last two hours
d. large amounts of nasogastric output

4. A client who has ascites is admitted to the hospital and will be undergoing a paracentesis. What should be included in the nursing care plan?
a. monitor client closely for evidence of vascular collapse
b. place client in Trendelenburg position for the procedure
c. encourage client to drink plenty of fluids to distend the bladder prior to the procedure
d. have client remain on bed rest for 24 hours following the procedure

5. A patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy two days ago. The physician has just written an order for a soft diet. The nurse assessed the client and did not hear bowel sounds in any quadrant. What is the best nursing action?
a. follow the physician’s order and feed the client
b. cancel the physician’s order and make the client NPO
c. order clear liquids for the client
d. notify the physician that the client does not have bowel sounds at this time

6. Your patient is receiving O2 at 2 liters per nasal cannula. His roommate lights a cigarette and tosses the match catching the curtain on fire. What is the priority action for the nurse?
a. turn off the oxygen 
b. sound the fire alarm

c. try to extinguish the fire
d. remove the clients from the room

7. An 84-year-old male patient has been bedridden for two weeks. Which of the following complaints by the patient indicates to the nurse that he is developing a complication of immobility?
a. stiffness of the right ankle joint 
b. soreness of the gums

c. short term memory loss
d. decreased appetite

8. Which of the following nursing interventions indicate an understanding on the part of the nurse concerning proper care of pressure ulcers?
a. rub reddened skin to increase circulation
b. use a heat lamp 4 times a day to dry the wound surface
c. cleanse a non-infected pressure ulcer with isotonic saline
d. cleanse a non-infected pressure ulcer with povidone-iodine
ANSWER C: A noninfected pressure ulcer should be cleansed gently with a non-ionic cleanser such as isotonic saline to prevent disruption of healing.

9. A client has been placed in blood and body fluid isolation. The nurse is instructing auxiliary personnel in the correct procedures. Which statement by the nursing assistant indicates the best understanding of the correct protocol for blood and body fluid isolation?
a. masks should be worn with all client contact
b. gloves should be worn for contact with non-intact skin, mucous membranes or soiled items
c. isolation gowns are not needed
d. a private room is always indicated

10. A female client will have to change the dressing on her injured right leg twice a day. The dressing will be a sterile dressing, using 4x4’s, normal saline irrigant, and abdominal pads. Which statement best indicates that the patient understands the importance of maintaining asepsis?
a. “If I drop the 4x4’s on the floor, I can use them as long as they are not soiled.”
b. “If I drop the 4x4's on the floor, I can use them if I rinse them with sterile normal saline.”
c. “If I question the sterility of any dressing material, I should not use it.”
d. “I should put on my sterile gloves, then open the bottle of saline to soak the 4x4’s.”

11. Which of the following nursing interventions would the nurse perform prior to administering a tube feeding?
a. check for placement by aspirating for gastric contents with a syringe and test pH with Testape
b. advance the tube 3-5 inches prior to the feeding
c. instruct the client to swallow
d. instill 30 ml of sterile water into the tube

12. An adult client is being treated in the burn unit for partial and full-thickness burns of the left foot, ankle, and leg. Skin autographs are taken from the right thigh and a skin graft is performed. The nurse planning care for the client on return from the operating room includes which of the following nursing interventions?
a. change dressing on graft sites every shift
b. cover donor site with fine mesh gauze and expose to air
c. lubricate donor site with skin cream every shift
d. hydrotherapy to graft sites daily

13. The nurse is caring for a client who is being transfused for severe gastrointestinal bleeding. The nurse can decrease the danger of hypothermia by:
a. administering blood with normal saline
b. administering blood products through a central line
c. giving only packed cells
d. warming blood to body temperature before administering

14. The mother of a three-year-old child calls the clinic and states that her child has just swallowed an unknown amount of baby aspirin. What is the best initial action for the nurse to take?
a. call the physician
b. instruct the mother to bring the child to the emergency room as soon as possible
c. discuss with the mother observable changes for which she should watch the child
d. tell the mother to give ipecac to the child and then come to the emergency room

15. A 56-year-old is admitted to the burn unit with partial and full-thickness burns of both legs, which occurred when a charcoal grill tipped over on her. The burn area is edematous. Blister formation and a large amount of fluid exudate is noted. Urine output is 30 ml per hour, BP 90/60, and pulses 110. A primary nursing diagnosis during the initial 48-72 hours following the burn is:
a. body image disturbance related to disfiguring burns of both legs
b. high risk for infection related to skin breakdown
c. potential for ineffective airway clearance related to smoke inhalation
d. fluid volume deficit related to increased capillary permeability

16. While assessing the client with burns on the back and trunk, the nurse notes areas that are not painful, grayish–white in color, and leathery in appearance. The nurse documents that these burns are:
a. superficial burns 
b. superficial partial thickness burns

c. deep partial thickness burns
d. full thickness burns

17. An adult is scheduled for IVP. Before sending her to have the test the nurse should:
a. ask if she is allergic to barium
b. ask is she is allergic to shellfish
c. give her a full glass of water
d. instruct her not to urinate until after the test

18. An adult has received one unit of packed red blood cells after sustaining severe trauma to his legs with profuse bleeding. To evaluate whether the transfusion has been effective the nurse should:
a. take his blood pressure
b. auscultate lung sounds
c. check hemoglobin and hematocrit results
d. take his temperature

19. The nurse is administering tracheostomy care to an adult. Which of the following should be included in the procedure?
a. soaking the outer cannula with saline solution
b. performing the procedure utilizing medical asepsis
c. soaking the inner cannula in half-strength hydrogen peroxide solution
d. cutting a sterile gauze pad to place between the neck and the tracheostomy tube

20. Which of the following teaching should the nurse include when establishing a bowel-training regimen for a 62-year-old with chronic constipation?
a. avoid laxative
b. decrease exercise
c. increase the fiber content of your diet
d. increase fluid intake 4500-5000 ml

21. The nurse answers the phone in the emergency room, a woman states that she has a nosebleed that has not stopped for the past two hours. The nurse tells her that she should come to the ER immediately but do which of the following first?
a. put pressure on the bridge of the nose for 5 to 30 minutes, applying an icepack and sit with the head forward
b. apply heat to the bridge of the nose and do not eat
c. sit with the head back and use a towel to blot blood drainage
d. when blood is felt in the nose, lightly blow the nose into a tissue

22. A male client has been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for the last 10 years. He continues to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day. He requires oxygen to perform his daily activities. Which of the following therapeutic management modalities is necessary?
a. low flow of oxygen is usually ordered
b. oxygen flow is adjusted to a higher level if shortness of breath occurs
c. petroleum jelly should be applied around the nares to prevent irritation
d. oxygen flow rate is not a concern since he will feel better if the rate is high

23. Mrs. X has been diagnosed with acute asthma. she has been admitted to the hospital and all of the following instructions to the nurse are correct, except:
a. the head of the bed should be in the high position to facilitate drainage and breathing
b. a cool and dry environment should be maintained
c. air conditioner filter should be changed often
d. oxygen should never be used as it could restrict airways more

24. A female patient has had a partial gastrectomy with a vagotomy and pyloroplasty today. She has a nasogastric tube in her nares connected to low intermittent suction. The nurse should take which of the following precautions?
a. do not irrigate or reposition the NG tube because the stomach sutures can be ruptured
b. always use wrist restraints to assure placement of NGT
c. the NG tube should not be taped to the nose
d. expect copious amount of bright red blood from the NG tube postoperatively

25. A man complains of cramping abdominal pain. He has been diagnosed with acute diverticulitis. What nursing interventions are likely to be ordered?
a. increase activity and regular diet as tolerated
b. advise bed rest, clear liquids and meperidine (Demerol), 50 mg IM every 3-4 hours as needed 
c. use ice packs on the abdomen and place the client in the trendelenburg position
d. use a K-pad (a temperature controlled heating pad) on the abdomen and allow regular diet as tolerated

26. has been diagnosed with esophageal varices. The physician notes there is active bleeding and orders the nurse to insert NG tube. The nurse should do which of the following?
a. insert the NG tube immediately
b. question the order because a varix might be perforated during insertion
c. use copious amount of K-Y jelly to insert the NG tube
d. refuse the order because a varix might be perforated during insertion

27. A 30-year-old patient has been diagnosed with folic acid deficiency. The client asks the nurse which foods are high in folic acid, and the nurse correctly responds:
a. green leafy vegetables, organ meats, nuts and eggs
b. fresh shrimp and oysters
c. dried fruits and oatmeal
d. tofu and tuna

28. Which of the following is an example of pica?
a. a craving for sweets
b. a craving for laundry starch and ice

 c. a craving for shellfish
d. craving for pickles

29. An 82-year-old woman living in a long-term care facility develops urinary incontinence. After ruling out the presence of urinary retention or a urinary tract infection (UTI), the nurse should:
a. establish a 3-hour prompted voiding schedule
b. insert a foley catheter or teach the client to self-catheterize
c. restrict her fluid intake to 1500 ml/day
d. use adult diapers and change them frequently

30. Client education for the individual with gout includes:
a. dietary instructions to limit meat, poultry, organ meats and alcohol
b. dietary instructions to limit complex carbohydrates such as flat bread, rice and pasta
c. instructions for proper cast care
d. signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome, a major complication

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